
A STATE IS BORN - 20 Minutes, $19.95
Israel's Declaration of Independence read by Abba Eban provides the framework of this video which tells the story of the momentous events that took place just prior to the establishment of the State of Israel.

APPLES OF GOLD - 80 Minutes, $29.95
This beautiful film recounts the history and struggle of the Jewish people from the period of the early Zionist movement to the present, with personal and eye-witness accounts by such leaders as Abba Eban and General Uzi Narkiss.

HERZL - 45 Minutes, VHS $19.95; DVD $24.95
When Theodor Herzl set out on his mission to establish a Jewish State in what is now Israel, he had no sponsors or backers, no committee or organization. He was the sole promoter and advocate of an international project, and its leader. When initial efforts through the cooperation of Jewish philanthropy failed, he realized that political negotiation must be backed either by masses of people or funds. Thus he called for the first Zionist Congress, to be held in Basel, Switzerland, in August 1897. Through the Congress he emerged as leader of the people. For 10 years Herzl carried the mantle of Zionism as the first diplomat and political strategist of the Jewish people.

Media reporting of current events in Israel has tended to display a shocking amount of historical amnesia. To judge from the coverage of the Middle East, one would think that the ties between the Jewish people and the land of Israel have been strong only since 1948, when the Jewish state was created. In fact, Israel has been central to Jewish identity and religious life, ever since the destruction of the Second Temple and subsequent exile more than 2,000 years ago. Jews have been living in the land continuously for more than 3,000 years, and along with G-d and Torah, Israel has always been the third element in the triumvirate that has defined the Jewish people since time immemorial. The antidote to the historical amnesia is Yisroel Lifschutz's "Israel: The Promise of the Jewish People."

PALESTINE FOR VICTORY - 45 Minutes, $19.95
A vintage film from the Second World War which shows the Yishuv (pre-state Israel) as the only reliable United Nations ally in the Middle East. Featured are scenes of the Jewish Brigade, war production, and defense of the land.

SONG OF THE LARK 30 Minutes, $19.95
A dramatization of the events in the life of the first Baron Edmond De Rothschild, who played a crucial role in the development of a viable economy in Palestine (pre-state Israel), and in its becoming a refuge for hundreds of thousands of Jews. Rothschild's contributions aided in the ultimate emergence of the State of Israel.

THE TREE LIVES - 30 Minutes, $19.95
The story of Theodor Herzl and his efforts to secure Palestine as a homeland for the Jews. This docudrama portrays the scenes leading up to his 1898 interview with the Kaiser, in Palestine.

TO REALIZE A DREAM - 30 Minutes, VHS $19.95; DVD $24.95
A history of Zionism from its inception until the present, this video shows scenes of epoch making events including photographs of the First Zionist Congress, film clips of the liberation of Jerusalem by General Allenby in 1917, Winston Churchill speaking at the opening ceremonies at the Hebrew University, Chaim Weizmann addressing a Zionist meeting, and David Ben Gurion reading the Declaration of Independence in 1948. In addition, the other founders of Zionism are discussed, including Borochov, Syrkin, Sokolow, Ussishkin, and Jabotinsky. "To Realize a Dream" shows the miracle of the birth of Israel, with a backdrop of the immigrants and their unstoppable pursuit of a state of their own.

TREE OF LIFE - 55 Minutes, $19.95
A lyrical impressionistic portrait of Israel which seeks to capture the country's characteristic spirit and ethos. Beautiful visuals and a narration by Sir Laurence Olivier speak of Israel's determination to survive, achieve normalcy, and make the land flourish.

WEIZMANN - 55 Minutes
First President of Israel, architect of the Balfour Declaration and of the recognition of Israel by President Truman, leading Zionist figure after Herzl, and distinguished scientist, Chaim Weizmann was one of the most influential Jews in modern history. After Herzl's death in 1904, Weizmann became the leading voice of World Zionism. This video shows his life and accomplishments.

A modern epic history of the Jewish people. Narrated by Alexander Scourby, this video tells the story of the founding of the modern State of Israel, from the beginnings of the Zionist movement in 1860, to David Ben Gurion's formal declaration of independence in 1948.

POURQUOIS ISRAEL? - 3 ½ Hours, Rental only, in 16mm, $75.00
Claude Lanzmann (the filmmaker of Shoah) presents this epic documentary on Israel, showing the problem of creating nationhood with Jews from many different lands.

GOLDA MEIR - 54 Minutes, Rental only, in 16mm, $50.00
A film about the foremost Jewish woman of modern times. Golda Meir, born in Tsarist Russia, brought up and educated in the Unites States, and a charter member of the "Second Aliyah" that helped create Israel, served as Foreign Minister, Prime Minister, and one of the founders of the Zionist State.